Sebastian Wetherbee
About Me
The Tel Podcast
Pleistocene bones in a Colorado cave
Solstice marker in southwest Colorado
Petroglyphs from Ute Mountain Tribal Park
Bison atlas vertebra from a midden in an ancient plains village in Nebraska
Fragment of a pottery vessel from Chief Looking's Village, North Dakota
Partially excavated Maya pyramid
Exploring a looter's trench cutting into a Maya pyramid in the lowlands of northern Belize
Looter's tunnel dug into the side of an overgrown Maya pyramid
Excavating a Maya pyramid
Small Maya ball court
Lamanai, Belize
Exploring a cave in Slaughter Canyon, New Mexico
Buddhist temple in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
A medieval Mongolian spearpoint, found during survey
Early medieval turkic standing stone, Mongolia
Bronze Age burial from Western Mongolia.
Excavating a Torosaurus in Colorado
Iron Age Nubian mummy from Sudan
Tongan petroglyph
Lapita pottery from the Kingdom of Tonga
Fremont petroglyphs from Dinosaur National Monument
Mammoth bones from the La Prele Mammoth Site
Artifacts from Shanidar Cave, a famous Neanderthal burial site
Mammoth mandible from the Smithsonian collections
Solutrean point
Pawnee earth lodge interior
Excavation of the foundations of an early-medieval Italian church
Locals curious to watch the excavations
My wife Paige dropping a pit entrance
Ceramic sherd found in a pit house midden in Northern New Mexico while on survey
Caving in the Guadalupe Mountains near Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Le Chateau d'Aigles, Switzerland
Early Vandal burial, Sanisera, Menorca (Spain)
Excavating a Vandal-period, 6th century burial beneath a basilica in the Roman city of Sanisera.
Megalithic iron age tomb on the island of Menorca.
Talaiotic ceremonial structure, Menorca
A seal skin being cleaned using a traditional woman's knife, or "ulu". Perryville, Alaska
A native fisherman catching candelfish in the remote village of Perryville, on the Alaska Peninsula
About Me
The Tel Podcast