Sebastian Wetherbee
About Me
The Tel Podcast
Pleistocene bones in a Colorado cave.
Solstice marker in southwest Colorado
Exploring a looter's trench cutting into a Maya pyramid in the lowlands of northern Belize
Small Maya ball court
A medieval Mongolian spearpoint, found during survey
Early medieval turkic standing stone
Bronze Age burial from Western Mongolia.
Excavating a Torosaurus in Colorado
Iron Age Nubian mummy from Sudan
Tongan petroglyph
Lapita pottery from the Kingdom of Tonga
Artifacts from Shanidar Cave, a famous Neanderthal burial site
Mammoth mandible from the Smithsonian collections
Solutrean point
Excavation of the foundations of an early-medieval Italian church
Locals curious to watch the excavations
Ceramic sherd found in a pit house midden in Northern New Mexico while on survey.
Caving in the Guadalupe Mountains near Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
About Me
The Tel Podcast